Any bettor who participates in online bookmakers hopes to win and earn a balance to withdraw. To withdraw your winnings easily, you choose a reputable betting brand. Is the reputable bookmaker SLOTVIP 777 a safe betting option for bettors in the Philippines? The way to withdraw money at SLOTVIP is simple and fast. Members no longer have to worry about being unable to withdraw their winnings. How will a withdrawal SLOTVIP process be carried out? Let’s find out the details of each step to withdraw winnings right below.

Withdrawal Process at SLOTVIP for Newbies

For new players when participating in betting at the SLOT VIP 777 bookmaker, it is certainly not possible to fully understand the most accurate SLOTVIP withdrawal steps. The withdrawal process at our bookmaker is always guaranteed to be simple and easy to understand for players. Members can withdraw winnings at any time with fast processing time. Please follow the following steps to withdraw money.

Set Withdrawal Password

The withdrawal password is used to protect the member’s balance and prevent bad guys from intruding and stealing the balance in your betting account. Therefore, before you withdraw, you create a withdrawal password. Please keep your password information confidential and do not disclose it to others, even family members. We will not be responsible for any damages if the withdrawal password is disclosed.

Step 1: Log in to your betting account and go to the Member section. Then, go to the “Withdraw” section.

Step 1: Log in to your betting account and go to the Member section. Then go to the "Withdraw" section.

Step 2: The system will notify you that your withdrawal password has not been set and ask you to set one first. Please click on the notification displayed on the screen.

Step 2: The system will notify you that your withdrawal password has not been set and ask you to set a withdrawal password first.

Step 3: The system automatically switches to the “Change Withdrawal Password” interface. New players should enter the withdrawal password and re-enter it to confirm it. Finally, click “Submit” to complete the withdrawal password setting.

Step 3: New players should enter the withdrawal password and re-enter it to confirm the withdrawal password.

Add Your Bank Account

New players in the Philippines need to provide at least one bank account to withdraw their winnings. The system will save your bank account information and use this bank account information to transfer your winnings. Only bank accounts with a name that matches the full name you provided to us will be allowed to withdraw your winnings. Bank accounts owned by others will not be permitted to withdraw.

Add Your Bank Account

Step 1: Click “Add Bank” and select the account type you want to withdraw from. We currently support members in the Philippines to withdraw to four types of accounts: GCash, PayMaya, Grabpay, and Bank Card. Please choose one of the four withdrawal accounts listed above.

Step 2: Fill in your bank account information in the blank fields. Make sure to fill in the withdrawal account information correctly. We will not be responsible for any losses if the account information you provide is incorrect.

Step 3: Double-check your bank account details to ensure there are no errors. Then, complete adding your bank account by clicking ‘Submit.’

Create a Withdrawal Order and Submit a Withdrawal Request

After completing the withdrawal password and adding a bank account. You can withdraw your winnings to your bank account. Specifically, the steps to create a withdrawal order are as simple as follows:

Create Withdrawal Order and Submit Withdrawal Request

Step 1: Members, please access your withdrawal interface.

Step 2: Enter the amount you want to withdraw to your bank account. The limit for one withdrawal is 100 – 30,000 PHP. Then, enter your withdrawal password correctly.

Step 3: Members, please check the SLOTVIP withdrawal information. When you are sure there are no errors, click “Apply” to send the withdrawal request. We will receive your request and process it immediately.

Notes When Withdrawing Winnings
Notes When Withdrawing Winnings
  1. The withdrawal limit for one time is 100 – 30,000 PHHP. Therefore, withdrawal requests beyond this limit will not be accepted.
  2. We will review your withdrawal request within 5-1 minutes if there are no problems or errors.
  3. Only one withdrawal request can be requested at a time. A previous successful withdrawal request is allowed to create a new withdrawal request. It is not possible to submit 2 withdrawal requests at the same time.
  4. Members need to complete x1 turnover to be able to withdraw money. This means that valid bets must be equal to the amount you deposit.
  5. Please check the stability of the internet when making online payments at SLOT VIP 777.

SLOTVIP Bookmaker is always a reputable and safe betting destination for all players in the Philippines. We are committed to players being able to withdraw their winnings quickly and easily. The SLOTVIP withdrawal process ensures security and safety for members. So rest assured to bet with us.